
Characteristics and Problems of Aerospace Company Management

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Source: Journal of the Astronautical Sciences  Publication Date: January, 1967

In the mid 1960’s the aerospace/defense industry was the largest industry in the United States in terms of both sales and employment. At that time it accounted for 25 % of all capital goods produced in the US.  Also in the mid 1960’s the aerospace/defense industry employment was well over 2,000,000. And because of the Vietnam war that employment grew greatly as the 1960’s flowed into the 1970’s. According to the U. S. Department of Commerce, the employment in the aerospace/defense was larger than the primary metal industries and the motor vehicle and equipment industries combined. The industry was (and still is) especially important to the U. S. balance of payments since aerospace/defense exports were and still are one of the largest items in the U.S. balance of payments, which underpins the value of the dollar.

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