
George Schussel explains what IBM is after with its SAA strategy

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Source: Computerworld (Australia) Published: Oct 1990

George Schussel was the Chairperson of the Database World Conference and Exposition held annually in Australia. Computerworld published this interview with Schussel which covers IBM’s then current SAA strategy. Some comments from the article follow:

WHAT IS SAA? It is IBM‘s plan for providing application standards across three diverse platforms – PS/2, AS/400, System 370. Its goal is to provide a set of standards and products that allow a single application to run identically on any of these environments. In addition SAA products will allow a high level of connectivity and cooperative processing capability for applications running across these platforms.

Is there anything new here? Many of the components of SAA are rather old stuff – products like Cobol, C, DB2, CICS, REXX, etc. On the other hand, there are some important and vital new concepts in SAA:
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